Electronic Content Management

The curse – Have you heard - where is that document, who has it, why are people manually filing, it’s out on kelly’s network drive and I can’t get it, or we need to have this approved and I have no idea where it is in the process. The cure – Content Management

It Sounds So Simple

You have documents that drive your business.  A Content Management system will keep them secure, available and moving through your organization. Regardless of your organizations size you can become more efficient by retaining your documents electronically. Your Content Management system can become a backbone of your business. It can be established either on premise or in-the-cloud.

How Can A Content Management System Help

Like any system, Content Management Systems comes in different flavors.  By listening, we’ve assisted our customers in selecting a system that meets their requirements.  Here are some of the features that are available in Content Management systems:

     Searches on key values to access documents simply and quickly.

     Full text queries will find any word or phrase throughout all your documents.

     Collaboration on documents by groups of individuals.

     Audit trails of who did what and when they did it.

     Versioning will keep and control and retain modifications of your documents.

     Reports Management will bring a document into the system without manual intervention.

     Workflow will move a document through your organization and allow you to track its movement every step of the way.

Not everyone will require all of these features.  If you’re interested or would just like to learn more about Content Management systems please let us know.  Just click the Contact Us at the top of the screen and lets talk.

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